“The best investment you can make is in yourself.”
- Warren Buffet

Birth Doula Packages

Silver package

I know that every family is different. That's why I've created a variety of packages. Everyone deserves a Doula! This is one of the core values of my business. I also offer payment plans for those who need it. Any further questions please ask!

  • Complimentary Consultation
  • 1 Prenatal Visits to create birth plan, postpartum plan, practice relaxation exercises, affirmations, comfort measures and labor positions. (35-37 weeks)
  • Continuous Labor & Birth Support
  • 1 Postpartum visit at 2 weeks (2 hours)
  • 24/7 Text/Call/Email Support
  • Spiritual encouragement & affirmation as desired and requested


golden package

  • All services listed in Silver Package
  • Extended Postpartum doula support - 2 home visits (2-4 hours each) to be scheduled after 2 weeks postpartum. 
  • Postpartum assistance - Breastfeeding assistance, pumping assistance, light house work, assisting with pets, older siblings, caring for mother and/or partner while mother showers, sleeps or takes mental health breaks.
  • Listen and hold space for mother and or partner.
* Some postpartum visits may be provided by Precious Moments back up doula*


Diamond package

  • All services listed in golden package
  • Appointment Support (Birth Center, Hospital and Home prenatal appointments)
  •  Placenta Encapsulation


Birth prep 101

Birth Prep 101 is a private class in your home that prepares you educationally, physically and mentally for labor, birth and postpartum. This class is ideally for a mother that would like a unmedicated birth but any mother that would like to learn more about her body, what it is doing and how to prepare for it mentally and physically is able to take this class! This class is recommended to be taken between 34-37 weeks. You do not have to have a Doula to take this class but its highly recommended.

My goal for every family that completes my Birth Prep 101 class is that when I leave your home you are fully confident in yourself and your body to have the birth that you desire. That you are fully equipped and informed on how to continue to prepare your body for labor and birth. Your labor hours are shortened by continuing the custom plan that I will provide to you following the class according to your specific body and needs. Lastly, that you are able to enjoy your labor and birth like the superstar that you are!

I also offer 1:1 virtual education and birth coaching for women all around the world! 

Lastly, if you are seeking a book to help you navigate this new season of your life, I have written a eBook named "What NO ONE tells you about pregnancy".

Placenta encapsulation

  • 1 virtual prenatal visit
  • On call at 37 weeks for pick up
  • Safely encapsulated
  • Cord Keepsake
  • Pick up & drop off within 30 miles


Tinture $20
Flavored capsules $10
Placenta print $15

Not sure which package fits you best? Lets schedule your consultation and discuss everything together!

We also offer payment plans!

that sounds great!

Tell me more!

  • Complimentary Consultation
  • Continuous Labor & Birth Support
  • Planned Cesarean Support
  • 1 Prenatal visit (35 weeks to create birth plan)
  • 24/7 Text/Call/Email Support
  • Spiritual encouragement & affirmation as desired and requested


birth only

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November 6, 2015

downtown boston engagement - KARA & ROSS

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec maximus blandit nisl, vel tincidunt ligula facilisis at. Nam facilisis leo sit amet mollis tincidunt. Cras in vehicula quam, a finibus augue. Mauris gravida mauris vitae lectus vestibulum pretium. Donec vestibulum nulla pellentesque tellus scelerisque ornare. Ut vulputate magna id tortor iaculis consequat. Quisque molestie ex arcu, sit amet mollis mauris cursus nec. Fusce tempor magna maximus, feugiat odio eget, consequat tortor.

Sed sed pharetra magna. Aenean vestibulum, lorem at vulputate elementum, velit justo fermentum nunc, eget consectetur nisi tortor eu odio. Donec ipsum nibh, lobortis nec felis id, lacinia ullamcorper tortor. Donec sagittis sapien vel tristique pellentesque. Sed faucibus condimentum nibh vitae luctus. Pellentesque erat lectus, bibendum a elit eu, facilisis iaculis lorem. Cras sit amet vehicula purus. In finibus felis nec tincidunt pharetra.

Nullam et nibh est. Quisque fermentum scelerisque lacinia. Duis vel augue bibendum, porttitor libero non, mattis risus. Proin ligula ligula, faucibus sit amet tellus et, porttitor tincidunt odio. Vivamus consectetur ipsum vitae lacinia gravida. Vivamus id dolor porta, imperdiet magna mattis, venenatis tortor. Donec viverra ac augue sed sollicitudin. Nullam sed neque egestas, fermentum sapien et, porttitor magna. Nunc eget tristique lacus, in convallis justo. Proin facilisis, augue ut faucibus lobortis, ex arcu vulputate libero, a luctus massa magna ac ligula. In vulputate id ante at sollicitudin. Quisque commodo mollis iaculis. Maecenas bibendum turpis tortor, quis placerat mauris tristique vitae. Vestibulum vehicula mattis nisl volutpat accumsan. Etiam egestas dui ex, non maximus sapien accumsan eu. Donec euismod risus faucibus lacus fermentum ultrices.

Aenean semper convallis consequat. Sed nisl dui, facilisis cursus felis nec, vehicula viverra arcu. Nunc sed nisl nec justo luctus sodales cursus eu purus. Nam pulvinar, leo at sollicitudin tempus, libero ipsum porta elit, ac maximus sapien erat nec purus. Morbi eget metus ornare, scelerisque nisl eu, viverra mi. Vestibulum vitae arcu elit. Phasellus ullamcorper ligula ut mauris semper, in venenatis quam rutrum. Fusce quis pellentesque tellus.

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